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Six Reasons to Make Counseling a New Year's Resolution

Jason Wilkinson

There are plenty of New Year’s resolutions to be made for the year 2023. There are the obvious ones that people like to make. Getting more exercise. Eating better. Getting more sleep. Or even being more motivated in your career. These are at the top of many lists for people living in the Portland metro area.

And while these are all fine goals and resolutions for 2023, 2022 has created an incredible strain. For marriages. For professionals. For parents, and for students. And whether you live in Tigard, Tualatin, Lake Oswego, or anywhere else in the Portland Metro, you’ve felt it.

A large amount of emotional and mental energy has gone into surviving the chaos and panic since the start of CoVid-19. So, with that being the case, there is one New Year’s Resolution that should be up toward the top of your list.

Below are six reasons to make counseling part of your New Year’s Resolutions.

Reason #1 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — Because the Last Year Has Been Rough:

You’ve likely dealt with a lot of stress this year. Work/life balance has been all out of whack. If you’ve got a college or high school student, then it is likely they have been enduring a lot of stress and anxiety, as well.

An image of a calendar resting next to balloons and new years decor. Learn how an anxiety therapist in Oregon can offer support in taking on the new year. Contact an online therapist in Portland, OR to learn more about how online therapy in Oregon can offer support today.

You’ve likely been supporting other people around you, but who has been supporting you? If you feel like you are emotionally and mentally stretched, then there is a good chance that others around you are feeling the impact of that, too.

With this past year being one of wear and tear, the next year should be the year of self-care. Add counseling to the resolution list. Make your own wellness a goal. You’ll be happy you did.

Reason #2 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — For Emotional Wellness:

You are likely emotionally worn out. And you may not even be aware of it. But Covid-19 has made the past few years where you’ve had to be flexible like no other. And it’s possible that you haven’t shared much of your own fears or anxieties because you don't want to be a burden to others.

You’ve lost a lot. We all have. Even if it is just the simple truth that you’ve been isolated for 8 months and miss your friends, family, and traditions.

You’ve likely battled emotions of anxiety, depression, anger, and grief. Therapy can help you work through those emotions in a healthy way.

You want to have the capacity to be helpful to your friends and family. Mental health counseling can help you to an emotionally regulated state. It can help you move through the emotional burdens you’ve been carrying throughout 2022.

Reason #3 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — For Mental Wellness:

Have you been living that “work from home” life? Or has your kid been doing school from home? Or have you been homeschooling your kid while working from home? In any case, you might be heading toward burnout and suffering some form of mental fatigue.

You might benefit from counseling in setting up necessary boundaries at home. you could use help in clearing out some mental fog. Or you just want therapy to help you make sense of what has taken place.

Counseling would be a great New Year’s Resolution for 2023. It can help you clear out some of the 2022 cobwebs and make space for a new direction or goals for the year ahead. Therapy can help you develop greater resiliency. It can help you understand your own story from 2022. You can rediscover your motivation and feel mentally refreshed.

Reason #4 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — To Help Your Marriage:

Odds are pretty good that even the healthiest of marriages have dealt with some conflict since the beginning of Covid-19. You may have even said a few things that have led to conflict. And the holiday season doesn’t exactly lower the stress levels, either.

A close-up of a couple about to hold hands against night city lights. This could symbolize the bond cultivated by working with a couples therapist in Portland, OR today. Contact an online therapist in Portland, OR for support from the comfort of home.

Being married takes effort even during the best of times. And 2022 has not been that. Energy and patience are low.

So, make a 2023 New Year’s Resolution to strengthen your relationship with marriage counseling. Invest in the person that you married. Invest in your relationship. You’ll gather tools and skills to sharpen your communication You’ll be glad that you did.

Reason #5 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — Because It’s an Hour to Talk to an Adult Who Listens:

Again, you’ve poured out a lot of energy during 2022. Whether it is to your spouse, your kids, your job, or your school — all the above. And that takes a toll.

Maybe you need someone to talk to. Someone who, you not your kid. Or the dog. And you’ve got some hard things to talk through. You could do without the fear of judgment from friends or family. But you could benefit from a little guidance.

Professional counseling might be exactly what you need. A person to listen. For an hour. And you can talk about whatever you want. And with online therapy, you can even have the flexibility to do it in the comfort of your own home.

Reason #6 for Making Counseling a New Year’s Resolution — To Get Help for Your Other Goals:

Would you like help with accountability? Or you’ve been making the same goal every year for the last ten years and you feel stuck? A professional counselor can help you get over that hurdle.

You can get traction by understanding the barriers that keep you from moving forward. You can accomplish the goals that you have. Counseling can help you create a roadmap to move forward.

A person with a clipboard and pen gestures while sitting across from a listening woman. This could represent the support an anxiety therapist in Oregon can offer. Learn more about online therapy in Oregon and other services by contacting a couples therapist in Portland, OR, or an online therapist today.


Making New Year’s goals is a tradition for many people. With all the goals that are out there to be made, shouldn’t your emotional and mental wellness be at the top of the list? You are the greatest asset you have in this life. You are your greatest gift. Treat that gift well in 2023. Put counseling on top of your 2023 New Year’s resolutions list.

You won’t regret it.

Begin Working With An Anxiety Therapist in Oregon

Improving your mental health takes time, commitment, and support. You can find a professional counselor to help you take the steps to start the new year off right. Wellspace Counseling is here to help you benefit from online therapy for busy professionals, counseling for young adults, couples, and more. Contact Wellspace today to set up an appointment!


Jason Wilkinson is a mental health counselor who enjoys helping people reach their goals of emotional and mental wellness. His practice, Wellspace Counseling, serves the communities of Tigard, Tualatin, Lake Oswego, and the rest of the Portland Metro Area. Schedule a free consultation today to start the journey of reaching your 2023 resolutions.

Other Services Offered At Wellspace Counseling

I understand there may be a number of mental health concerns that affect you. This is why I'm happy to offer support with a variety of counseling services in support of your mental health. Other services at my in-person and online therapy practice in Oregon include individual therapy, anxiety treatment, online therapy, marriage counseling and couples therapy, Christian counseling, and teen therapy. I look forward to supporting you and your relationships in therapy. Call now to get started!


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