Couples Therapy, Pre-Marital, & Marriage Counseling
in Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Tigard & the Portland Metro Area

Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy
Perhaps you have hit a rough patch in your marriage. You feel alone, agitated, and irritated at everything your partner does. In fact, you don't feel appreciated or seen. You feel stuck in an endless cycle of waking up, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, watching television, or spending time on your phone, and going to bed.
Here is what I want you to know, you do not have to be married or engaged to participate in counseling with your partner. Maybe you’re asking, “Is this the right person for me?” Marriage counseling and couples therapy in Tigard, Tualatin, Portland, and Lake Oswego can help you build a strong foundation at the start of the relationship.
If you are asking yourself, “Can this work?” the answer is "Yes!"
You can improve your communication, successfully handle conflict, and find joy in your relationship through the tools and resources that you will gain in couples therapy.
Contact me today to schedule a free 15-minute phone call for a personal consultation regarding marriage counseling and couples therapy.
Couples Therapy, Pre-Marital, & Marriage Counseling
in Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Tigard & the Portland Metro Area
There are many reasons to consider counseling with your partner or spouse. As much as we may like to think that love should be easy, the truth is it takes intentional effort. Some reasons couples may choose to seek marriage counseling include:
To Set Your Relationship Up for Success
You don’t have to be married to come in for therapy with your partner. Maybe you are contemplating a deeper commitment with your partner, but you’d like to get on the same page first.
To Learn How to Better Support Each Other
Finding balance in a relationship or marriage can be challenging in the fast-paced world we live in.
To Check in with Your Spouse
Couples therapy can be helpful if you’ve been married for a couple of years and want to get insight into the relationship. You can gain an understanding of how each other is feeling.
To Get Help with a Conflict
If there is a disagreement causing stress in the marriage, a professional can help you work through the conflict.
To Develop A New Way to Interact
Sometimes relationships get in a rhythm and it doesn’t feel satisfying. You can get out of that funk with the help of some marriage counseling in Tigard, Tualatin, Portland, and Lake Oswego.
Preparation for Marriage
You’ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Pre-marital counseling can help you and your partner answer questions that you haven’t thought about before.
To Save a Marriage
The relationship has been hard for a few years, but you don’t want to give up on it. Marriage counseling and couples therapy can help heal old wounds and challenge you to develop stronger bonds with your spouse.
Relationships and Marriages Can Grow Through Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy

Are you desiring marriage counseling and couples therapy in Tigard, Tualatin, Portland, or Lake Oswego, Oregon? You can find satisfaction and increase the amount of joy in your relationship through couples therapy. Some benefits include:
Increased Connection
Growing in closeness and relational intimacy can be a goal for couples to seek counseling.
Strong Communication
A couple can gain tools to turn communication into an enviable strength, rather than a point of conflict.
Get on the Same Page
As a couple, are you feeling like you are “going in different directions”? You can discover and agree on what it is you want from your marriage. Then, you can start heading in that direction.
Increase in Trust
Trust can take years to build, and an instant to lose. Marriage counseling and couples therapy can help you gain greater trust with one another.
Strengthen Partnership
Sometimes a refresher is all a couple needs to remember what it means to be on the same team. Marriage counseling in Tigard can help couples rediscover the passion of caring for one another.
Relationships are complex. You're putting together two different lives and trying to make life work. While it can be rewarding and beautiful, there can be misunderstandings that pull you apart. If you're in need of guidance in marriage, in preparation for marriage, or in the dating stage, Wellspace Counseling in Tigard, Tualatin, Portland, and Lake Oswego, is for you! You will work with Jason Wilkinson, your in-person or online therapist. When you're ready for support, reach out. To get started, follow these simple steps:
Learn about Jason Wilkinson, your empathetic couples therapist.
Begin finding better connections and understanding in your relationship!
When you're in need of support, therapy is a great place to start. Here you will be heard and validated in a safe and secure space. Marriage counseling and couples therapy has helped many individuals seeking support. However, couples therapy isn't the only available service for you. If you're seeking more support at Wellspace Counseling in Tigard, Tualatin, Portland, or Lake Oswego, then I can help!
Other services at my in-person and online therapy practice in Oregon include individual therapy, anxiety treatment, online therapy, counseling for professionals, Christian counseling, and teen therapy. I look forward to supporting you and your relationships in therapy. Call now to get started!
Serving Tigard, Tualatin, Lake Oswego and the Portland Metro Area
10580 SW McDonald St., Ste 202
Tigard, OR 97224
(503) 389-5514