Jason Wilkinson

2 min

Common Mindsets of Professionals that Stunt Career Development

Larry is frustrated. He has been looking for a new job for about eight months. But every time he sees at a job listing that is interesting, Larry notices a few different qualifications that are missing on his resume.

“I’d never be accepted for this job,” Larry whispers as he closes his laptop and slouches into his chair.

Trying to improve upon our careers can be challenging. But there are mindsets that can creep in that make the process feel disheartening and hopeless.

And these mindsets can keep professionals from making the progress they desire.

Here are some of those mindsets that stunt career development.

Mindset That Stops Professional Advancement #1 — Do Not Measure Up:

I get it. The people at work are good at their jobs. And there are times when professionals look around at their coworkers and feel like they are not as good as everyone else.

They conclude that they are not. Everyone else is better at their job. There is belief that coworkers and supervisors will discover that they are faking it. And professionals experience imposter syndrome

They feel like you don’t measure up.

Mindset That Stops Professional Advancement #2 — Not Good Enough:

The feeling of not being good enough is a powerful and common message from negative self-talk.

This occurs when a person looks at the requirements for a job posting and sees that they don’t meet all the desired qualifications.

So instead of applying for the position, they get sad. And they let it go. And they wonder if they will be able to advance in their professional career.

Professionals eliminate themselves from the job search before anyone in Human Resources can look through resumes.

Mindset That Stops Professional Advancement #3 — Powerless to Improve:

People experience frustration, anger, and hopelessness when they begin to feel that life is out of their control. This is very true when it comes to the place of employment.

Many people want to improve in our profession. Whether it is getting better in our skills or being able to move up the corporate ladder.

When a person begins to feel like that isn’t possible, that person may become resentful.

Or defeated.

Feeling powerless can often keep a person from performing well in their current job. Or keep them from searching for a new place of employment.

How Counseling with Restoration Therapy Can Help:

It can be challenging to move forward when one of these negative mindsets take hold. Restoration Therapy can provide professionals the necessary tools to learn to emotionally self-regulate.

And emotional regulation is helpful in building up resiliency at work.


Negative thoughts and emotions can keep people from achieving their professional goals.

That can stifle feelings of empowerment.

That can make a person feel unworthy of their desired occupation.

Learning to tame these negative mindsets does not guarantee career success.

But it can provide an improved feeling of self-determination. Improved confidence. Improved well-being.

If this sounds like something you could use help with, professional mental health counseling can help you get there. Consider contacting one and start your journey to mental and emotional wellness.

Jason Wilkinson is the owner of Wellspace Counseling. He helps provides counseling services to professionals looking to develop greater self-esteem and confidence. He also offers counseling for anxiety and marriage counseling to the communities in Tualatin, Lake Oswego, Portland, and throughout Oregon through online counseling.